Co-founder of Girls Gone Strong, which is a health and wellness academy dedicated to improving coaching practices for women and author of her much-anticipated book called Strong Women Lift Each...
Co-founder of Girls Gone Strong, which is a health and wellness academy dedicated to improving coaching practices for women and author of her much-anticipated book called Strong Women Lift Each...
In March, I have a panel of well known, and well-respected professional athletes who have continued their leadership after their careers. Be apart of the conversation as Larry Hughes talks...
Listen (or watch) an enlightening conversation with a mindful-centered dietitian, who focuses on living a life without “diet rules and restrictions”. Her own experiences of overcoming her personal mental and...
In her 3rd season as Pro Basketball player with the STL Surge and experiencing the pandemic oversees in France, Kelsey has used her platform for more. She discusses how her...
Dietitian for the Toronto Blue Jays and Women’s Fat loss Coach at Tandem Nutrition, Leila specializes in helping hormonal health for women in addition to coaching them to want...
Dr. Mark Manary is a pediatric physician and one of the world’s foremost experts in children malnutrition where most of his work has been throughout sub-Saharan Africa. As the...
I am no expert but my next panel of leaders have it all and ready to share their stories, how they have positioned themselves, and the struggle it took to...
Dana Lynn Kaye, Owner of Devotion Nutrition, whose products represent balance in a healthy lifestyle while enjoying flavors that are viewed as “off limits”. She’s more than just an...
Mastery Level Resistance training specialist who combines his faith with his passion for physical fitness. By doing so, he is also an author of Strong-willed: Designed for a physical...
January’s Panel guests come in perfect timing! 2021 is the year to focus on our wellness. These leaders all come from the wellness centered around mental health, nutritional health, and...